The postpartum period begins after the delivery of your baby and ends when your body has nearly returned to its pre-pregnant state. This period often lasts 6 to 8 weeks.

The postpartum period involves your moving through many changes, both emotionally and physically. You are also learning how to deal with all the changes needed with becoming a new mother. The postpartum period also involves you and your partner learning how to care for your newborn and learning how to function as a changed family unit.

You need to take good care of yourself to rebuild your strength. You will need plenty of rest, good nutrition, and help during the first few weeks.

Things to Manage your Health Post-Pregnancy


Today everyone is talking about the benefits of yoga. Unluckily some mothers may not know about it, or may not have enough knowledge to get started. Yoga is also about simply breathing in and out in a correct way. You can sit and do deep breathing while sitting for 5-10 minutes every day and that will help in proper blood circulation. If you don’t know much, don’t do it. Doing it the wrong way can be more harmful than doing nothing.

Fenugreek Seed Water

Fenugreek seeds are known to be women’s best friends. It is proven scientifically that the bones weaken after pregnancy and later, without a proper diet. Once you feel a bit recovered, you can start taking fenugreek seed water. For this, you need to soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. Early morning, empty stomach you need to drink that. This is known to be a powerhouse of a lot of properties. It relieves back pain, enhances the health of your uterus, helps lift it, and cleans any vaginal issues. 

Carom Seeds

Carom seeds are said to be man’s best friend, and because it has certain properties that can help you relieve the gas problems instantly. It is also very helpful in getting rid of the bloating problem in men and women both. If you have delivered a baby, you would know how difficult it is to maintain healthy digestion. But this my friend, is a great remedy to all your gastric problems. Simply take a teaspoon of ajwain or carom seeds that are easily available in Indian households and in a glass of water bring it to boil. Let it boil on medium flame for 5 minutes or so. When it's lukewarm, drink it like tea. This is a great alternative to tea and keeps your tummy in good shape, post-pregnancy.

Light Food

The better your food the faster your recovery will be. Health is often reflected in the food that we take and the way we eat it. This has been mentioned in our ancient texts but how many of us follow it? Post-pregnancy, you need to eat something light and easily digestible. As your body has undergone a drastic change, your body needs time to recuperate.  Keeping this in mind will help a lot.


Every new parent soon learns that babies have different time clocks than adults. A typical newborn wakes up about every 3 hours and needs to be fed, changed, and comforted. Especially if this is your first baby, you and your partner can become overwhelmed by exhaustion. You may not get a solid 8 hours of sleep for several months.