Whether you're going back to work or your partners wants to help with feedings or you want to make sure you have breast milk for your baby if you are away for a few hours, you will need to pump and store your breast milk. Get tips on pumping your milk and storing if safely.

If you are unable to breastfeed your baby directly then make sure to pump during the times your baby would normally eat. It will help you to continue making milk.

Before you pump, wash your hands with soap and water. If you don’t have soap and water then use sanitizer. Make sure your pump parts and where you are pumping are clean.

If you need help to get your milk to start flowing without your baby there, you can:

  • Think about the things you love about your baby. Bring a photo or a blanket or item of clothing that has your baby's scent on it.
  • Apply a warm, moist cloth to your breasts.
  • Gently massage your breasts.
  • Gently rub your nipples.
  • Visualize the milk flowing down.
  • Sit quietly and think of a relaxing setting.

Hand Expression

This is a process where you use your hand to squeeze and press on your breast to remove milk.

Here what’s involved are :

  • Requires practice, skill, and coordination.
  • Gets easier with practice and can be as fast as pumping.
  •  Good if you are not often away from your baby or you need an option that is always with you. But all moms should learn how to hand express in case of emergency.

Manual pump

You use your hand and wrist to operate a hand-held device to pump the milk.

Here what’s involved are :

  • Requires practice, skill, and coordination.
  • Useful for occasional pumping if you are away from your baby only once in a while.
  • May put you at higher risk of breast infection.
  • Can be easier for some moms.
  • Can pump one breast at a time or both breasts at the same time.